The Maverick’s 5-Hour Copywriting Speed Course By Kelvin Dorsey – Free Download

The Maverick's 5-Hour Copywriting Speed Course By Kelvin Dorsey - Free Download


The Maverick’s 5-Hour Copywriting Speed Course By Kelvin Dorsey – Free Download Book


Your online sales copy are your sales team. In the business world, poor performing sales teams and salespeople aren’t tolerated. Yet poor performing sales copy somehow gets a pass. If your current copy isn’t cutting it, do something about it! It’s hurting your business.



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✅ Book Author: Kelvin Dorsey

✅ Official eBook Price: $127

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✅ Download Links : Mega & Google Drive

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🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Book:


A spine-chilling story about a psychotic Mexican drug kingpin, two knucklehead skateboarders, and an unscrupulous lawyer. (This wild tale contains two high-level persuasion secrets that can be easily applied to any sales copy. If you find it hard to persuade people, this could be the answer. – page 122)
The “Darth Vader” sales secret for getting people to act quickly on things they would normally put off doing – like buying your product! – page 66)
A meat-n-potatoes approach to writing compelling product benefits. (Nothing flash about this method, but this no-nonsense way of writing product benefits flat-out works!)
Kimberly Clarke’s clever “marketing secret” that helps keep their Kleenex Tissues the #1 selling facial tissue in the world. This very subtle but powerful marketing secret is used even more effectively with their paper towels. (This secret’s revealed on page 115 with examples of how to apply their secret to all your marketing messages.)
A crafty way to knock “umming and ahhing” prospects off the fence. (Just do what I teach on pages 27-29 and watch what happens!)
Hollywood copywriting secrets from perhaps one of the most underrated screenwriters ever. I consider this section of the 5-Hour Copywriting Speed Course to be worth the price of admission alone. It’s chock full of copywriting strategies, techniques, and tricks that will help your copy immensely. See this on pages 40-46)
The “Mike Tyson” copywriting method for writing copy that packs a punch! – page 32
The easy peasy “12-day-marketing plan” anyone can do right now to boost your sales. (Full details on page 39. All you need for this to work is a computer with internet access.)
What NEVER to do at the start of a sales message. (Doing this may seem like a good idea, even intelligent, but it will backfire on you big time. I know because I used to do this. HINT: your prospects will get testy. – page 54)
14 “fascination bullets” to study the way Warren Buffet Studies the stock market – especially if you sell information products. – page 64
…highlights a knuckle-dragging blunder most amateur copywriters make when making claims and promises that turns off prospects and kills off sales.- page 70

No nonsense and battle-tested ways to inject proof and credibility into your sales copy. (If you follow all the examples given on pages 70-72 correctly… your readers’ skepticism will disappear like a fart in the wind.)
What Gary Bencivenga (arguably the world’s greatest living copywriter) does immediately after writing every sentence of sales copy. (No slick tricks here, but applying Gary’s simple but powerful technique will make your copy far more potent than it would have been otherwise. – page 70
The “Brown Dog” persuasion secret. – page 123
The little-talked about “CE” copywriting technique for getting people to willingly accept your ideas and statements even if at first, they thought differently. (This is a high-level copywriting technique and can be a real strain on the brain to fully understand and apply. But if I’ve done a good enough job of explaining it and if you’re of average intelligence, then this could be the most important copywriting lesson you ever learn.)
A gloriously effective way to use people’s negative biases to make sales. Sounds a little dirty, doesn’t it? Don’t worry. On page 87, you’ll see how this is actually the most ethical way to sell.
The deathly boring “writing tip” that can make your sales copy pop, crackle, and flow like silk. – page 92
The outrageous story of an eccentric furniture store owner who turned every business misfortune into an obscene amount of sales. (This “lemons to lemonade” story reveals a retail sales secret probably only 1 in 1000 retailers know about. And no… you don’t need to be a retailer to use this sales secret. – page 110)
A mini tutorial on writing fascination bullets. (My online business is built off the back of bullet writing. Yep… bullets are the very backbone of all my sales pages. If you sell any type of information or course online, then learning how to write compelling bullets will do more to help your business’s bottom line than just about anything else. Starts on page 116)
5 vital things every marketer must know about their market. Once you know what these are… coming up with products and services they want to buy will become infinitely easier. (Again, this is one of those not so glamorous secrets that really can yield the biggest profits for your business. – page 146)

“Every successful business person must be able to sell through the art of the written word.” ~ Justin Ford. Entrepreneur, investor, real estate broker, and TV host.

A “juicy” tip for doing market research. Just Follow what’s taught on page 52 and the insights you’ll get on your market will (1) blow your mind, and (2) help you sell to them the way they want to be sold. Important information to say the least. I can almost guarantee your competition isn’t doing this.
Sales secrets from the man dubbed the Godfather of Digital Information Products. For years marketers the world over have been watching this man’s every move to see if they can reverse engineer his strategies and tactics, most of them fail miserably. Here’s why they fail… and… here’s what you should really learn from this legendary marketer… – pages 57-61
The secret to selling prevention services and products such as insurance, security and fraud protection. (Do what’s taught on page 67 and watch what happens. Admittedly, this lesson focuses on cure more than prevention, but it’s even more important to use if you sell prevention. Have I confused you enough yet? All will make sense after you read pages 61-63)
The reason most semi-professional sales pages online today are only making a fraction of the sales they could be. – page 69
Why most people get “spooked” at the checkout page and what you can do to get them feeling safe enough to pull the trigger. If you sell to cold traffic, this is must-know info. – page 73
The Tale of Two L.A. Rockers Who Ruled The Sunset Strip in The 80s
This true story is set in a seedy L.A. strip club (where else?) and contains one of the most important sales and marketing lessons any business owner could ever learn. If you don’t ever learn this – most business owners don’t – you website copy will miss the mark by an L.A. mile! – page 165

Worst possible way to start a sales message ever! Sadly, this is the way most business owners do it. Make sure you’re not one of them. – page 151
The 7-letter word that can dramatically boost response. – page 153
A deviously clever way to sell to female markets. If you think women buy the same as men, you are very wrong. (On page 86 you will learn a hardly-ever-talked-about way to connect with your female consumers which will ultimately lead to more sales. This will be especially helpful for realtors and folks who sell consumer goods.)
What eye-tracking studies have shown about the average online reader, and how to use this little-known piece of information to keep people on your website much longer than they would otherwise. – page 160
3 delightfully simple ways to make your sales copy more enticing to read. Bonus benefit: Not only do these 3 ways make your copy more engaging, but they will make your copy more believable, too! – page 153
A “57-word-paragraph” that reveals the key to the copywriting kingdom. (Master what’s revealed in this eye-opening paragraph and you can truly start writing your own ticket! I know, easier said than done. But at least you’ll know exactly what you must master. – page 56)
The secret psychology behind how one of the FBI’s most successful hostage negotiators routinely talked bank robbers, kidnappers, sociopaths, and other criminal scum into taking the action he wanted them to take. (Now… if there was a better skill for a copywriter to learn than this one, I’m yet to see it! – page 62)
The copywriter’s guide to flipping noes into yeses. FACT: every market has its common objections to buying what you sell. (On page 14 I show you an ingenious way to effortlessly turn those objections into reasons to buy!)
Me, my content producer, editor, and social media manager.
Actually, they are my three children. This was taken about 4 years ago so they’re not so cute now, but what are you gonna do? See the girl with the Cheshire Cat smile? Her name’s Holly and unlike the other two, she’s actually useful to me – she’s a gun marketer on Instagram. Thanks, Holly.

Stephen King’s shiny pearl of wisdom every copywriter should heed. – page 96
My brutal (almost savage) critique of a music journo’s article. (This ruthless critique will sharpen your writing fangs to a gleaming sharp edge. – page 100)
An old as dirt copywriting book every marketer should read at least 10 times. If you could only ever read one book on copywriting, I’d read this one! – page 103
The tawdry “Fart In an Elevator” story that contains a powerful copywriting secret that can kill off a prospect’s sales resistance and make it feel safe to buy from you. (This uncouth story starts on page 36)
An ingenious “copywriting technique” (used and taught by an old school information publisher) that can stop potential objections from entering your reader’s mind. Powerful stuff.
A little-known way to write “product benefits” that can get people drooling with excitement and scrambling to get their credit card. I guarantee you won’t hear this taught anywhere online today. (Unless you’re already a highly trained copywriter and have studied all the old masters dating back to the 1940s… this will be new to you, and… very eye-opening. The only downside is… it’s kinda tricky to apply because of its high level of sophistication. Hey, it can’t all be easy.)

2 deviously clever ways to help people feel good about paying your high prices. (If you sell high ticket items, you’ll want to know about these two ways mentioned on page 37)
A little-known “4-point game plan” for promoting your product or service with email. Simply follow this 4-point plan on page 55 and you’ll be light years ahead of your competition who are mostly sending out emails so lame they do more damage than good.
How analyzing restaurant-goers can make your sales copy more persuasive. – page 56
The single most common screw-up rookie copywriters make when pitching their product or service. (Not only is this mistake the most common, but it’s also the most damaging. Doing this will cripple your sales even if you do everything else perfectly. – page 54)
Hollywood copywriting secrets from perhaps one of the most underrated screenwriters ever.
I consider this section of the 5-Hour Copywriting Speed Course to be worth the price of admission alone. It’s chock full of copywriting strategies, techniques, and tricks that will help your copy immensely. See this on pages 40-46

The lazy man’s guide to writing curiosity bullets. (This section gives you a fill-in-the-blank template to writing bullets that drip with curiosity. Too easy! – page 119)
How to simultaneously boost your IQ and sales! I know this sounds far-fetched, but this has been scientifically proven to raise your mental capabilities, and the sales part? Well, it’s also been proven time and time again by some of the world’s most elite copywriters who use it in all their sales messages.
My most obnoxious, chest-beating, and offensive copywriting lesson I’ve ever written. I must have been drunk when I wrote it. I dunno. (But here’s what I do know about it: it’s one of the very best lessons on copywriting I’ve ever taught. If you want to know a down-n-dirty way of writing calls to actions that cause people to act on without the slightest bit of hesitation, then don’t miss this one! – page 144)
The single best way to start a sales pitch ever! Hyperbole? Perhaps. But it’s a damn good way nonetheless. – page 151
The “RW” secret to making even the most outrageous product claims 100% believable
This simple but wildly effective copywriting technique was Gary Bencivenga’s secret weapon for writing highly potent and believable copy that “inoculates” every promise and claim from the rising tide of consumer skepticism.

A freakishly good example of segueing from a story to a sales pitch. (Do it the way shown on page 53 and your sales pitches will flow like silk and sell like hell!)
How to make sales without ever mentioning your product or service’s benefits. I wouldn’t recommend you do this every time, but every once in a while, it can be a very effective way to write a sales message. Full details on page 68
A ridiculously easy way to increase the perceived value of your product or service. Plus… a ton of examples for you to model and adapt to sell your product or service. This section of the book is pure gold! – the gold starts appearing on page 80
A criminally good writing tip from one of the world’s greatest crime writers of all time. (Follow the advice this great man gives on page 95 and your sales copy can’t help but become more engaging and fun to read.)
Napoleon Bonaparte’s “persuasion secret” for…
… getting people to do your bidding while having them think the world of you. (This can also be applied to copywriting. On page 29 I show you exactly how to apply it to your sales messages. This one’s a goodin’.

3 of the most powerful words you could ever use in your sales pitches. If you aren’t using these 3 words in your copy, you’re unwittingly turning off your readers. – page 106
The Pentecostal Preacher’s “persuasion secrets”, and… how to use them to convert more of your prospects into customers! – page 155
The dumb mistake mostly intelligent people make when writing sales copy. – page 154
A monkey-simple way to quickly turn product or service flaws into a flood of new business. – page 112
4 cardinal rules of copywriting that are oh-so-tempting to break. Here’s what they are… and… why you must NEVER break them. – 159
An absolutely “silly” story that contains a “brilliant” sales lesson. – page 106.
The Greatest Copywriting Story Ever Told. This story gets bandied about the copywriting fraternity… and for good reason. This beloved copywriting story reveals a secret for grabbing market share in highly competitive markets. – page 104
A “spooky” tale that illustrates a powerful sales tactic: how to turn folks’ mild interest in your offer into a white-hot desire. – page 53
The “shiny red apple” secret to making price irrelevant.
A mini-crash course on creating content your market will love to read and buy from. (Starts on page 50)
The “One-legged Golfer” Headline Secret
This is straight from copywriting legend John Carlton who is widely considered the king of headline writing. Here’s how to apply this headline writing trick to your headlines… page 25

Do you have a know-it-all friend? We all have that one friend, don’t we? Well, on page 37 I show you how your smartypants friend can help you make more sales. This is so sneaky they won’t even know they’re helping!
A counter-intuitive (and uncomfortable) sales secret for boosting sales. (This will make you squirm a little, but if you have the stones to do this, well… you will thank me later. page 36)
The “Kitten With One Kidney” writing tip. This one tip alone will make your writing twice as impactful and engaging.
A dorky sales story that reveals a cool lesson on selling. (This is probably the most important thing to learn when selling your product or service online. Not doing this will absolutely murder your sales conversions. – page 35)
How being “nice” can hurt your sales. – page 31
The “dirty trick” sales lesson. (This was a completely fabricated sales pitch that got people chomping at the bit to buy a non-existent product. Here’s how to apply it ethically. Full story on page 31
Pain vs Gain? Which one should a copywriter focus on more? Find out on page 30
A “quirk” in human nature every marketer must fully understand in order to create irresistible offers. This startling insight into human nature comes from a famous New York attorney from the 18th century. (Here’s how to apply this insight to create offers people love to buy. – page 30)



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