Social Lair By Ben Settle – Free Download Book PDF


Social Lair By Ben Settle – Free Download Book PDF – Email Players eBook


This book can guide you in building a devoted customer base and following without spending much money. It outlines the specific strategies I employed to create a highly engaged and irresistibly addictive social media group in my niche. Many members considered it one of the most enthusiastic and profitable communities. These avid customers eagerly followed my instructions, fiercely defended against trolls and haters, and were eager to purchase the offers I presented.



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✅ Book Author: Ben Settle

✅ Official Training Price: $555

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🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Book:


Why “give value!” is the dumbest advice you can ever listen to if you want over-the-top engaged & eager-to-buy social media followers. (Probably the single most profitable thing I ever did on social media to sell more books, get more paid newsletter subscribers, and grow an almost irrationally passionate following was to forbid anyone from giving value. You can see how it worked on page 67.)
10 dignified ways to use trolling on social media to enrich your brand, status, reputation, & sales. (Including my harrowing “troll head” method for riling up your best customers… the MILF Launch secret for keeping your members from buying inferior products… how to whip up a fury of downvotes on slanderous videos & 1-star reviews unfairly attacking you… the Obama-in-the-subject line tip for profiting from trolls I learned from an Agora Financial copywriter who does nearly $1 million per year in royalties… and the list goes on. Page 200.)
A totally filthy, unprofessional, & even downright uncivilized way of using exiling to keep your social media audience in a constant state of fight or flight… terrified of being banished for the slightest of infractions! (Admittedly, this is almost exclusively used by abusive people. But if you use it ethically the way I show you on page 180, it not only can make for a happier fanbase, it can also make for a lot less trolls, and a lot more cheerful paying customers for your business, too.)
An “Evil Cult Leader 101” method you can use to manipulate your social media followers into fighting each other for your attention. (A very handy tool for everything from getting someone wanting to buy your offers to wanting to date you. Even though this is a bit Machiavellian, if you do it right you won’t hurt anyone. And I doubt you’ll have any hangups about the results. See page 91.)
How to create your very own “Testimonial Olympics” inside social media — with your followers competing over who can give your offers the most praise & best reviews. (Do what’s taught on page 313 exactly as explained — do NOT deviate — and 1 testimonial can potentially beget 2, 5, even 10 or more testimonials.)
A clever trick (used by a notorious comedian & talk show host) that can routinely get your social media posts as many as 100, 500, & even 1,000 comments or more. (I used to enjoy running this admittedly eerie method I learned from a completely “fringe” comedian on my audience right before bed. And, almost like clockwork… I’d often wake up to hundreds of comments & dozens of engaged readers psychologically trapped inside my platform — often ignoring the rest of the world, and sometimes not able to look away even for a minute. It works great in emails, too. In fact, it’s the best way I’ve ever used to get the upper hand over other businesses with bigger lists, bigger social media audiences, and bigger circles of influence. Page 137.)
The blatantly creepy “mock the dead” secret for bonding with your audiences & breathing new life into your sales. (While also helping turn as many of your followers as possible into paying customers, new clients, live event attendees, and so on. Page 273.)
How to turn dead comment threads into new sales, leads, & business. (If you see a thread full of cobwebs, spice it up with the info on page 181 and watch what happens…)
A spooky-effective way of creating your own “Narrative” to potentially get so much ridiculous amounts of influence, engagement, & sales it might freak you out! (Fact: No matter how free, independent, or critical a thinker you pride yourself on being… you are following the Narrative of someone, somewhere, and in some way. The news you watch & believe has a Narrative. The teachers you like & learn from have a Narrative. The entertainment you consume & buy has a Narrative. The people you vote for, trust your money with, trust to write your prescription medications, and let hang around you have Narratives. And those Narratives are able to effortlessly convince you & everyone else they influence to do whatever it is those Narrative-creators desire. I doubt 1 in 10,000 businesses use this powerful tool. But when you use it the way I teach up in Social Lair on page 125, you can potentially build a following so fanatically loyal to your business, it’ll very likely startle you. That’s what happened in my case, at least.)
The amazing money-making secret behind the phenomenon I invented called…

A powerful storytelling technique used by professional soap opera writers (that I learned from studying the late TV producer Aaron Spelling) that can add multiple layers of depth, fun, & new sales to your social media shenanigans. (Some of the antics shown in Social Lair were completely off-the-wall insane & sometimes even borderline cruel… and not something I’d ever tell my mom about. But I can’t deny all the new business that resulted. See page 277.)
The ballsy secret behind history’s most influential communicators for posting content people have almost no choice but to read, interact with, and — if you are selling something — want to buy from. (Savvy communicators love using this tactic while their cowardly competitors are too afraid to even try. It was used, for example, by Zig Ziglar who was the single most successful motivational speaker for 40 years. As well as Donald Trump… Steve Jobs… and nearly every unusually influential writer, politician, author, entertainer, and, yes, marketer/copywriter/business person who ever lived. You can start doing it, too — if you have the guts — by doing what you read on page 163.)
A devious & underhanded (but 100% legal & ethical) way to get social media gurus with lots of influence & huge audiences to help you build YOUR influence & audience on the sneak. (Ironically, the businessman I learned this from wouldn’t touch social media with a 10-foot pole. Too bad for him, as he’s missing out on a fortune in easy sales. Page 46.)
Bizarre tricks for using exaggerated, obnoxious, & downright nonsensical drama to keep people helplessly engaged with your social media platform almost day & night. (And of course, when you have something to sell… this can make it an almost no-brainer to whip up a flurry of buying activity, too. Page 111.)
A psychological technique (that’s been used by notoriously charismatic leaders for thousands of years) for creating a feeling of not just urgency… but outright EMERGENCY… in your audience to compulsively engage & check in. (Believe it or not, if you use this the way I did up in elBenbo’s Lair then it can not only help keep your group tighter-knight & full of higher quality people… but those people might naturally be more likely to buy your offers, too. Page 114.)
A persuasion secret I learned from studying a celebrity trial lawyer who never loses that can help create an almost casino-like effect on social media — where YOU are now your followers’ entertainment, their TV, & maybe even their very reality. (You will know you are doing it right when people haunting your social media platform complain they are not getting enough work done, not getting enough sleep, not enjoying enough family time, not hanging out with friends, not paying attention on dates, and not even bothering to look at their other social media accounts anymore. See how I pulled this ditty off on page 171.)
Yet another powerful cult trick that can keep your social media followers anxiously hanging around & doing your bidding. (There is nothing inherently sinister about this — and it was even perfected by cosmetics giant Mary Kay, in particular. But I found it endlessly useful for growing my platform’s status, prestige, engagement levels, and sales. Plus it can potentially help you secure future joint ventures with guru-types in your industry and maybe even get your own offers more likely to be bought. Page 305.)
A social “choke hold” technique that can make people almost desperate to want to join, participate in, and engage with your social media group. (Back in the early 90’s the late, brilliant Marvel Comics editor Mark Gruenwald wrote a column that accidentally made millions of people obsessed with working for Marvel Comics. A couple decades later, I deliberately applied exactly what he did in that column to elBenbo’s Lair. The result was hundreds of people tirelessly working to prove themselves worthy of not only my attention & approval… but to even be allowed to stay inside at all! This is an extremely crafty tactic. And probably it will be snubbed by most social media gurus who read it. But since I care more about your sales than their candy-ass fluffpreneur opinions, I decided to teach it on page 334.)
How to use contests to keep your social media followers, lurkers, & customers practically fist-fighting each other over who will get the most recognition from you. (Which can sometimes potentially lead to many more short term sales… as well as long term customers who legitimately enjoy the process of engaging with & buying from your business. Page 263.)
A blatantly (and deplorably) manipulative way of creating bonafide addiction in your social media followers so they are all but constantly…

A superbly effective direct marketing trick (nobody seems to use anymore) for making your social media followers literally feel silly for even thinking about buying from anywhere but your business. (Yes, even if your competitors have superior marketing, better products, & bigger followings. Page 261.)
How I filled a “standing room only” event in Napa, California in less than a week — with people traveling from all around the world to attend. (No long form sales letter. No 15+ emails campaign. No dramatic launch. I simply made a few posts, sent a few emails, and BAM — it was sold out a full 6 months beforehand. Details found on page 349.)
A secret used by Johnny Carson (the undisputed King of Late Night) for finding the perfect moderator to keep the peace in, keep the riff-raff out, and keep the money flowing over. (A major factor in Johnny Carson’s $300+ million fortune is in how he picked his attorney & business manager Henry Bushkin. I applied something similar to what Johnny did to pick a moderator for elBenbo’s Lair who not only helped me grow my audience… but she saved me a lot of time, assisted in building my brand & influence even bigger, and allowed me to focus on all my crazy antics to keep the engagement & my business’ profits going strong. See page 81.)
A sneaky trick I learned over 20 years ago from a radical left-wing talk radio show host in Chicago that is like bathing your entire social media audience in “digital truth serum.” (In many ways, this was the main reason why my posts routinely went hundreds of comments deep, with the engagement getting so “feeding frenzy” intense people often couldn’t pull themselves away — including posting & commenting in bathrooms while on dates & in closets while hanging out with their families during holidays. Page 166.)
The secret to banning people and not feeling guilty about it. (This was never a problem for me. But it is often a problem for more sensitive types — especially a lot of women I’ve talked to on the subject, I have noticed. And even though the advice I give up in Social Lair is used by evil & abusive people to keep their victims compliant… if you do it in the ethical way I teach on page 413 you won’t be abusing anyone. Instead, you’ll be protecting your best followers from abuse. That may sound a bit nutty to some. So maybe it’ll help if I also tell you that part of it is based upon something judges have done for centuries to help keep law & order in society.)
A special kind of “game” you can play on your social media followers to potentially multiply engagement & response to your offers as much as 2, 3, even 4 fold over time. (I almost didn’t want to give this particular secret away in the book. I can already see people trying to foolishly abuse it as some kind of dishonest hack. But for better or worse, you can read about it on page 69.)
The ins-and-outs of creating your own “Spy Network” that eagerly reports back to you whenever anyone betrays you (including so-called friends) or tries selling you out. (Complete with sending you screenshots & digging up dirt on your enemies. By the way, if all this sounds overly dramatic that’s because what I teach about social media inside the book is far more like corporate & psychological warfare than just business-as-usual. Which is one of the many reasons why it can be so profitable. See page 242.)
How to use the above Spy Network to sow discord amongst your competitors & enemies. (Which can sometimes mean more sales for your business if you properly exploit the situation when it happens. Page 248.)
An under-the-radar technique infamously used by writer Chris Claremont (who used it to take the Uncanny X-Men comicbook series from such dismal sales it was nearly canceled… to being the world’s #1 selling comicbook for the 17 years he wrote it) for practically forcing people to respond to your social media posts. (Interesting fact: when another comicbook writer named Peter David caught on to Claremont’s secret, he started doing the same thing to the Incredible Hulk title to get even better results. You can see what they did and how to use it to get big impact from even a small social media following on page 195.)
A sneaky corporate warfare tactic that is perhaps…

& so much more!


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