Progressive Online Course By Dr Joe Dispenza – Free Download

Progressive Online Course By Dr. Joe Dispenza - Free Download


Progressive Online Course By Dr. Joe Dispenza – Free Download


Recorded at our 2024 Progressive Retreat in Barcelona, Spain, this is an opportunity to feel what it’s like to attend a live event with Dr Joe and get the upgrade right from your home!



✅ About This Course:


✅ Course Author: Dr Joe Dispenza

✅ Official Course Price: $349

✅ Free For Our VIP Members? : Yes

✅ Download Links : Mega & Google Drive

✅ Course Size : 14.75 GB

✅ Updatable? : Yes, all future updates included.

✅ Sales Page : You can check at the bottom of this page.



🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Course:


Using science as the contemporary language of mysticism, Dr Joe presents students with transformational information based on the latest research.

Combining quantum physics, neuroscience, neuroendocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, epigenetics, and electromagnetism (to name a few), Dr Joe builds unique models of understanding that highlight the infinite possibilities that arise when you tap into your unlimited potential. He also provides practical tools and effective exercises designed to shift your understanding of – and relationship to – reality, all while empowering you to create lasting change in your life.

Through lectures and meditations, you’ll learn, step by step, how to use your mind to influence your body – and how, when given the essential knowledge, information, and instruction, you can apply the power of directed consciousness to reduce stress; create health, wealth, new relationships, or a new job; or transform any area of your life that needs a change.

This perception-altering introductory course is the foundation for all other levels of Dr Joe’s work. During it, you’ll have many opportunities to apply, experience, and practice the knowledge through various meditations – all while learning about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it – so the how becomes easier … all at your own pace.

In this course, you will learn:

• The science of transformation

• How your personality creates your personal reality

• How to find the generous present moment – where all possibilities exist

• How to tune in to new potentials in the quantum field

• How to change your energy from living in the past to living in a new future

• How to connect to a future reality in the present moment

• How to activate your heart and cultivate elevated emotions

• How to pull the mind out of the body by using a powerful breath practice

How to recondition the body to a new mind

• How you can create a new destiny using liberated energy that has been stored in your body

• How to change your beliefs and perceptions

• How to create more balance and homeostasis in your body – and the role of the energy centers in doing so

Ultimately, the Progressive Online Course teaches you how to create lasting change in your life. Discover how people around the world have applied these principles – and produced amazing results in their lives.

Progressive Online Course Video Summaries
A Welcome Message From Dr Joe

Video 1: What Is Change?

“The first step to change is becoming so conscious of your unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that you don’t go unconscious to them in your waking day.”

In this introduction, Dr Joe describes the learning process itself – how to take in new information, remember it through practice and repetition, work to overcome your unconscious programming by refiring and rewiring synaptic connections in the brain in order to build new models of reality.

Video 2: How Do We Change?

“Where you place your attention … is where you place your energy.”

Dr Joe briefly outlines the essential teachings contained in the course – including what it means to live in stress and survival, addicted to our emotions; the power of our thoughts to shape our reality; the power of our beliefs and perceptions; and the overcoming and becoming process of personal change and transformation.

Video 3: Paying Attention and Being Present

“The act of becoming conscious when you go unconscious actually makes you get good at staying conscious and being present. It’s a skill. And the more you practice it, the better you get at it.”

Once again emphasizing the importance of where you place your attention – because it’s where you place your energy – Dr Joe explains that if you’re not present to the teachings, your model for the “what” and the “why” of this work will have weak points, which will affect the “how” – your application and practice. This is an opportunity for you to become inspired to learn. As Dr Joe says here, “We can’t be intimidated by knowledge. We have to want it.

Video 4: Living in Survival and Creation

“If you want to create something new, you can’t be in the predictable future or the familiar past – because that’s the known. You’ve got to settle into the sweet spot of the generous present moment. The unknown is the perfect place to create from. And that is where possibility exists.”

Dr Joe outlines the differences between living in survival – when our sympathetic nervous system is activated and we’re in “fight-or-flight” mode – versus living in creation – when we synchronize a coherent heart with a coherent brain and activate your frontal lobe. You’ll learn what it means to change – to overcome your body, your environment, and time – and create from the quantum field instead of from matter.

Video 5: The Sweet Spot of the Generous Present Moment

“Where in your predictable future is there room for the unknown?”

When you live by the same thoughts, behaviors, and emotions of the past, you develop routine habits that carry you into a future that inevitably will be more of the same. Since the predictable future is the known, and the familiar past is the known, there is the only place the unknown exists. And that’s the sweet spot of the generous present moment.

Video 6: Becoming No Body, No One, No Thing, No Where, in No Time

“The longer you linger in the unknown, the more you create possibilities in your life.”

Dr Joe walks you through the practice of the “Generous Present Moment” Meditation.

When you take all your attention off your body, your environment, and time, and put your awareness on nothing, it’s actually not nothing. That void, or vacuum, is made up of frequencies that exist beyond your senses. And when you learn to create from this field of energy, you can shorten the distance between the thought of what you want – and the experience of having it.

Meditation 1: The Generous Present Moment

If you want to create a supernatural experience in your life – such as healing your body, creating new opportunities, or having mystical experiences – you will first need to master the concept of the present moment: the eternal now. That’s where all possibilities exist.

This meditation helps you connect to the unified field by finding the present moment. When the familiar past and the predictable future (the known) no longer exist, you enter the eternal now and discover new possibilities in the unknown – the only place from which you can create something new.

Video 7: Reclaiming Your Energy and Your Power

“The unknown is the perfect place to create from. So, the question is: Is it worth laboring for?”

Every time you catch yourself going unconscious and bring your attention back to the present moment, you’re executing a will greater than your old programs – and your body is being trained and conditioned by a new mind. Dr Joe discusses the value of taking your attention off your outer world and investing your energy instead on your inner world. When you overcome your fear of the unknown – and fall in love with it – you can start truly dreaming of a new future.

Videos 8, 9, and 10 : Examples of ‘Tuning In’ Stories

“Whatever you broadcast into the field is your experiment with destiny.”

Dr Joe shares several stories of what’s possible when you become no body, no one, no thing, no where, in no time – when you “lay down what you’ve done your whole life to make room for something greater to come in” – and tune in to a potential that already exists for you in the quantum field.

Video 11: Preparation: Tuning In to Your New Potential

“Come on, we’re about to create.”

This step-by-step walk-through of the “Tuning In To New Potentials” Meditation prepares you to connect to the opportunities that exist in the quantum field – just for you.

Meditation 2: Tuning In To New Potentials

This meditation will help you to practice creating a vibrational match between your energy and any potential in the quantum field. When you synchronize your energy to a future reality, you can begin to draw experiences to you in the form of new opportunities, synchronicities, and coincidences in your life.

Video 12: Information to Transformation

“Just when you’re ready to give up, you go one more time. You step into the unknown.”

When you mismanage your attention, you mismanage your energy. But when you master your attention and your energy; when you master your emotions – “energy in motion” – you master your creations.

In this segment, you’ll learn how to change your energy by intentionally changing your brain waves and getting beyond your analytical mind. Dr Joe walks you through each brainwave state, describing how you can access the “operating system” of the subconscious mind – where you can rewrite old programs and learn to fire and wire new connections in the brain.

Video 13: Walking Into Your Life

“There’s a future you that already exists. … and it’s you. It’s the overcoming process that is the becoming process.”

Once you’ve had a breakthrough and a change in energy, how do you carry it into your daily life? How do you sustain the thoughts, behaviors, and feelings of your new self when you’re in your same old environment? You do it by viewing your life as the plane of demonstration – and by committing to making different choices, day after day.

And you do it by communing with your future self. Toward the end of this segment, Dr Joe walks you through the practice of “Tuning In With Your Heart” – a heart-centered approach to the “Tuning In To New Potentials” Meditation.

Meditation 3: Tuning In With Your Heart

Designed to help you become the creator of your life, this short meditation will teach you how to tune into your new future once more – this time, by first activating and opening your heart; generating coherence through feeling the elevated emotions of your future before it happens. Then, you’ll combine your coherent heart with the clear intention of a coherent brain to send a strong signal into the field of all possibilities. You’ll practice falling in love with your new future – and drawing it to you with the magnetic field of the heart.

Video 14: The Cycle of Thinking and Feeling

“If you can’t think greater than how you feel, you’ll never change.”

Dr Joe emphasizes the mind-body connection – and how our thoughts and feelings continually influence each other. “There’s never a time where the mind isn’t influencing the body and there’s never a time where the body isn’t influencing the mind.”

When you understand how the cycle of thinking and feeling creates your state of being – and how you can become stuck in such a state for a lifetime – you’re empowered to begin to change your thoughts; change your feelings; change yourself.

Building on the resonance you practiced creating through “Tuning In With Your Heart,” you’ll learn about the invisible electromagnetic field around your body – and prepare to work with that energy through the breath we call “Pulling the Mind Out of the Body.”

Video 15: ‘Pulling the Mind Out of the Body’ Breath

“Fifty percent of this breath is passion. Fifty percent is what you bring.”

One of the core methods in Dr Joe’s teachings is a breath called “Pulling the Mind Out of the Body.” This powerful practice is designed to move the creative energy that rests, dormant, at the base of the spine – and direct it to the pineal gland in the brain.

We often hold on to unwanted emotions and store them in the body, which blocks our energy. This breath removes, releases, and transforms those self-limiting emotions – and in so doing, frees the body from the past.

In this video, Dr Joe walks you through the theory and practice of the breath, step by step – and energy center by energy center. And, after you practice “Pulling the Mind Out of the Body” for several cycles, he provides additional guidance to further refine your experience.

Video 16: Inspiring Videos to Elevate Your Emotional State

“Pay attention to the videos you’re about to watch. I want them to bring up some of the emotions we use to create.”

Video 17: Preparation: Reconditioning Your Body to a New Mind

“Get so lost in the act that the act actually creates the experience.”

Dr Joe prepares you for the “Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind” Meditation.

Meditation 4: Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind

In this meditation, you’ll practice the “Pulling the Mind Out of the Body” breath you’ve learned to draw the creative energy from the base of your spine – and the lower three energy centers – and deliver it to your brain.

You’ll find the sweet spot of the generous present moment and dissociate from your body, your environment, and time – thus becoming pure consciousness in the quantum field. Then, by mentally rehearsing different elevated emotions, you can signal new genes in new ways, and thus recondition your body to a new mind.

Video 18: Beliefs and Perceptions

“The stronger the emotion you feel when you make the decision to change, the more you’ll remember that choice. And you’ll brand that circuitry into your brain – and condition your body emotionally into the future.”

Dr Joe challenges you to examine your own beliefs and perceptions and explains the process of how thoughts and feelings become hardwired and conditioned attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions. You’ll learn the science of placebos; the power of accepting, believing, and surrendering; and how you can use this to create change in your own life.

Video 19: Changing Beliefs and Perceptions

“If you knew the divine lived in you, you wouldn’t get up from your meditation until you touched it.”

In this module, you will learn the anatomy of beliefs and perceptions – which have everything to do with the choices you make, the things you create, the relationships you have, and the behaviors you demonstrate. As Dr Joe says, “If you want to study somebody’s beliefs, study their behaviors.”

In this segment, he walks you through some common beliefs and (mis)perceptions … and talks about that defining moment when you finally decide to change; how the choice you make becomes a moment in time you’ll never forget.

Video 20: Preparation: Changing Your Beliefs and Perceptions

“The greatest belief you’ll ever have is your belief in yourself – and that unlimited field of possibilities.”

Dr Joe walks you through the “what,” the “why,” and the “how” of the “Changing Beliefs and Perceptions” Meditation.

Meditation 5: Changing Beliefs and Perceptions

To change beliefs or perceptions about yourself or your life, you must make a decision with such firm intention, the amplitude of energy from that decision is greater than the hardwired programs in your brain – and the emotions conditioned in your body. The choice you make to change your beliefs will become an experience you never forget.

In this meditation, you’ll learn how to change a belief or perception about yourself that’s preventing you from creating the life you want.

Video 21: Explaining the Biology of Your Energy Centers

“Just like you can create coherence in this brain, is it possible to create coherence in each of these mini brains?”

Dr Joe explains the science of the body’s energy centers and how each of these “mini brains” have their own purpose, function, frequency, glands, hormones, and chemistry. The energy centers are under the control of the autonomic nervous system, which automatically facilitates homeostasis and balance in all your body’s systems. So, when you learn how to activate these centers, you can program your autonomic nervous system to create more balance, harmony, and health.

Meditation 6: Blessing of the Energy Centers

In this meditation, you’ll learn how to place your attention on each individual energy center using convergent and divergent focus to influence them from a state of incoherence, or entropy (imbalance), into a state of coherence, or syntropy (balance). You’ll learn how to change your brain waves and enter your autonomic nervous system to reprogram it into harmony, homeostasis, and health.

Video 22: Final Words From Dr Joe

“I hope you return with some tools to be the creator of your life.”

Dr Joe closes the retreat – and the course – with final words of inspiration and an invitation to take the next step on your path of transformation.



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