Offer Engineering By Ross O’Lochlainn – Free Download Course – Conversion Engineering
You Will Now Get The Exact System & Templates I Use To Create Premium Offers That Convert Without Sales Calls (Or Launches)!
✅ About This Course:
✅ Course Author: Ross O’Lochlainn
✅ Official Course Price: $500
✅ Free For Our VIP Members? : Yes
✅ Download Links : Mega & Google Drive
✅ Course Size : 8.87 GB
✅ Updatable? : Yes, all future updates included.
✅ Sales Page : You can check at the bottom of this page.
🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Course:
Step-by-step training of the 3 core elements every premium offering needs to convert with ease
How to craft a program promise that cuts through the noise (even in the most competitive market places)
The golden rule of offers — and why violating it will kill your offer dead
Why your product is largely irrelevant to any offer you make people
The simple technique for offer creation that lets any new offer “print money”
The Laws of Exchange – and how to stack the odds of getting a yes in your favour
How to get people to buy premium, high-end programs without a sales call
Why it’s possible to convert millions of dollars of sales with simple Google docs
Peek behind the scenes of a $18k offer that converts without a call (or launches)
How to “stack” value on your offers to send your customer’s desires into overdrive (hint: this does NOT mean adding $50,000 in fake bonuses)
A breakdown of an offer that converted $500,000 in sales without a call
Walkthrough of proven offers that you can swipe today
Our signature system and the core of everything we do. Offer Engineering is my process, refined and distilled over 10+yrs, that lets me consistently create premium offers for myself (and my clients) that convert like crazy without high-pressure launches or sales calls.
Core Training: 4 lessons, 39-mins of targeted training walking you through our The Offer Engineering ssystem.
Swipe file: 2x examples of high-converting “engineered” offers working in the marketplace right now
The fundamental offer structure for every high-converting offer I create or help clients assemble. This structure collectively sold millions of dollars in the past few years, assembling premium high-end offers that convert with (and without) sales calls.
Watch me breakdown the offer template that is my highest converting template of all time. The specific example you’ll see is produced $500k in revenue on a single offer with no sales calls and no launches. I’ve used this same template to sell hundreds of courses and programs – in my own business and in my clients businesses. Proven, effective, and working in real time right now.
The template for the high-end, premium offer ($18,000) offer I’m currently enrolling people into that’s working consistently. This will push the boundaries for you about what’s possilbe to sell without the phone. Line by line breakdown so you can see every single way I stack the deck in favor of the prospect so they’re excited and eager to say “Yes.”
The 5 additional levers and methods that you can remove risk, eliminate psychological costs and stack value in your offers — witout relying on over-inflated bonuses — so prospects can’t wait to say yes.
Core Training: 124-mins of targeted training walking you through my framework for sharpening, refining, clarifying and enhancing the value of your offer in a legitimate, authentic way.
Workbook: Client workbook for the super nerds, walking you through examples, frameworks, and key action items.
Get my focused, personalized attention on your offer. Quick 15-minute call with me (Ross) to identify exactly how to engineer your offer for success. We’ll ID the biggest bottleneck holding you back and show you which part of Offer Engineering will be generate the biggest win in the shortest amount of time.
Private implementation workshop I hosted, exclusive to customers who joined. Watch over my shoulder as I work with founders to engineer their offers for success. Done live, without a net, during a hands-on “roll-up-your-sleeves” workshop.
✅ Great X Courses Guarantee : At Great X Courses, we insist in providing high quality courses, with direct download links (no paid links or torrents). What you see is exactly what you get, no bad surprises or traps. We update our content as much as possible, to stay up to date with the latest courses updates.
You can find more details about the course according to the sales page.