The New Eugene Schwartz Package By Carl Galletti – Free Download Course

The New Eugene Schwartz Package By Carl Galletti - Free Download Course - Scientific Advertising


The New Eugene Schwartz Package By Carl Galletti – Free Download Course – Scientific Advertising


A New Way to Master The Copywriting Techniques of One of the World’s Greatest, Most Successful Copywriters



✅ About This Package:


✅ Course Author: Carl Galletti

✅ Official Package Price: $297

✅ Free For Our VIP Members? : Yes

✅ Download Links : Mega & Google Drive

✅ Updatable? : Yes, all future updates included.

✅ Sales Page : You can check at the bottom of this page.



The New Eugene Schwartz Package By Carl Galletti - Free Download Course - Scientific Advertising



🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Package:


List of Headlines for All 204 Eugene Schwartz Ads:

Alleviate Your Knee Pain Now
An Automatic Income For Life of $20,000…$50,000$100,000 a Year Without Working…from a Business That Runs Itself -II GS
Any One Of These Smart Secrets may make you $20,000, $50,000, even $100,000 this year alone – 2col ERI GS
Any One Of These Smart Secrets may make you $20,000, $50,000, even $100,000 this year alone – 3col ERI GS
Are The Foods You Are Eating Today Starving Your Brain – II GS
Are You Ready To Use SELF-HYPNOTISM To Make Life Give YOU What You Want – IB GS
At 42, I Have To Cut 2 Inches Off My Hair Every 2 Months – GS
At Last A Plastic Surgeon’s After-Shave Lotion…That Protects Your Face Against the Unnecessary Ravages of Time – II NN33 GS
At Last A Plastic Surgeon’s Diet – GB 1134 GS
At Last A Plastic Surgeon’s Diet – IB 2901 GS
At Last Instant Beauty – II GS-E.jpeg”
At Last Instant Relaxation
At Last Natural Face Lifting By Exercise – IB GS
At Last The Complete Mathematics Education You’ve Always Dreamed Of – II GS
Automatically Brings You Anything You Desire -GS
Avatar Power Chants Guaranteed To Bring Results – IB 12944 GS
Begin Your Middle Years at 70, 80, Even 90 – IB GS
Break All The Rules And Win A 35 Year Old Body at 50-60-70-and Beyond – GS II 1968
Builds You A Memory In 4 Short Weeks So Powerful It Is Beyond Your Wildest Dreams Today – II6colSmall-GS
Builds You A Memory In 4 Short Weeks So Powerful It Is Beyond Your Wildest Dreams Today – II-GS
Burn Disease Out Of Your Body – II R-1 GS
Burn Disease Out Of Your Body lying flat on your back, using nothing more than the palm of your hand
Can You Afford $10 A Week To Become a Millionaire – II PA-2 GS
Can You Spot The 6 Fatal Errors In This Check – II GS
Cash In on All the Payments, Services, and Benefits the Government Owes You, 10,000 Benefits – Millions In Services And Payments..
Change Your Life Next Week – NCS GS
Clinical studies find that most overweight people are lacking in these 8 fat burning nutrients – BR BSP504 GS
Complete Book of Sewing – NCS 8-18 GS
Do You Have the Courage To Earn Half A Million Dollars A Year – GS II 1967
Do You Have The Courage To Earn Half A Million Dollars a Year – GS
Doctor Reports New Miracle Diet Cures Arthritis – IPP AR63 GS-2
Doctors In Sweden Say There IS A Cure For Arthritis – GB GS
Doesn’t Just Shrink Fat Cells, But Destroys Them – IB GS
Don’t Pay 1 cent More For Gas This Year Than You Did Last – II GS
Don’t Pay A Penny For This Book Till It DOUBLES Your Power To Learn -GS
Don’t Pay a Penny Till This Course Turns Your Mind Into a Mental Magnet -GS II
Don’t Pay One Penny Till This Course Turns You Into a Human-Computer – II GS
Every Cell Of Your Face Has a Clock In It. Here’s how to wind those clocks backward – IB GS
Famous Doctor Book of a Million Homes – NCS GS
Fantastic New $3 Rose Never Seen Before – Hale’s GS
Fat Destroyer Foods – IB GS
Feel 20 Years Younger Live 20 Years Longer – GS
Flaming Torch Arrives From Canada Who Ever Heard of 17000 Blooms from One Single Plant-1958 GS
Food Is Your Best Medicine – II FW-7 GS
Food Is Your Best Medicine – II FW-9 GS
Food Is Your Best Medicine – II GS-1
FREE 30 Ingenious Super Money-Makers You Can Use Tomorrow – II BA-3 GS
FREE 30 Ingenious Super Money-Makers You Can Use Tomorrow – II GS
FREE 30 Ingenious Super Money-Makers You Can Use Tomorrow – II NYT-6 1969 GS
From 4 Packs A Day to Zero, In 4 Hours-II GS
Full Grown Trees One Foot Tall – MFI B5 GS
Get up to 12 Miles MORE Per Gallon from Your Car – GS
Give Me One Evening Give Me One Evening And I’ll Give You a Push-Button Memory Like This – 1959 FF GS
Give Me One Evening Give Me One Evening And I’ll Give You a Push-Button Memory Like This – 1961 MRB GS
Great Free Gift Offer to Introduce You to The Ladies Home Journal Cook Book Club – LHJ 2611 GS
Guaranteed To Improve Your Child’s School Marks or you pay nothing – UI NT1 GS
Guaranteed To Improve Your Child’s School Marks or you pay nothing – UI SPD-325 GS
Has this man developed the power to see into the future and control his own destiny – II GS
Has this man developed the power to see into the future and control his own destiny – II PA-1 GS
Her Eyesight Was Born Again Returned To Normal In A Single Day – II 113 GS
How I Made a Million in Mail Order (Cossman 1964).pdf_page_1
How The Beautiful People Get Rid of Both Cellulite And Ordinary Fat – Without Really Dieting – IB GS
How The Beautiful People Get Rid Of Both Cellulite And Ordinary Fat- Without Dieting – IB GS
How The Beautiful People Get Rid Of Both Cellulite And Ordinary Fat- Without Dieting – IB-1col GS
How To Avoid Lawyers – GLSB 1355 GS
How To Avoid Lawyers II GS
How To Buy Money Cheap – II FSF7-7 GS
How To Buy Money Cheap II GS
How To Correct Your Own Back Troubles
How to Defend Yourself Against the Human Parasites Who Want to Rule Your Life – II GS
How To Eat Your Way Out Of Fatigue – II FW-24 GS
How To Eat Your Way Out Of Fatigue – II NY-12 GS
How To Feel Younger Longer – GS
How To Give Your Child the Top Grades in School He Deserves – ERI GS
How To Give Your Child The Top Grades in School He Deserves GS
How To Grow Thousands of Flowers Without Dirtying Your Hands – Namm Loeser’s GS
How To Grow Thousands of Flowers Without Dirtying Your Hands – Weill’s GS
How To Grow Thousands of Flowers Without Dirtying Your Hands -Jordan’s GS
How To Learn Without Studying – ALI GS
How To Live To Be A Hundred – ERI 3col NYM-6 GS
How To Live To Be A Hundred – ERI 5col WE-1 GS
How to lose weight while you eat more often – Mazola 505 GS
How To Make Anybody Like You – ERI GS
How to Make Up to 13.5% on Your Savings or More All Fully Insured – II FW-5 GS
How to Make Up to 13.5% on Your Savings or More All Fully Insured – II GS
How to Make Up to 13.5% on Your Savings or More All Fully Insured – II PA-15 GS
How to Make Up to 13.5% on Your Savings or More All Fully Insured – JN L-699 GS
How To Pick Men – GS
How To Read People Like A Book – II GS
How To Rub Your Stomach Away – PRI FW105 GS
How To Say Goodbye To Your Middle-Aged Body IB GS
How To Stay Young till 90 -II GS
How To Stay Young till 90 -II PA-1B GS
How To Stroke Wrinkles Right Out Of Your Face – II NY-3 GS
How To Turn Your Child Into a Classroom Wizard – 1964 GS
How To Turn Your Child Into a Classroom Wizard – 1966 GS
How To Turn Your Child Into a Classroom Wizard – 1966-2 GS
How To Turn Your Child Into A Classroom Wizard – ERI 6 col PA-1 GS
How To Turn Your Child Into A Classroom Wizard – ERI P-HM7 GS
How to Turn Your Mind Into A Mental Magnet – GS
How Your Body Can Make You Rich – II GS
I found a crazy, lazy way to reduce – II FW-11 GS
I found a crazy, lazy way to reduce – II GS
If You Retain Fluids, Then Try Carlton Frederick’s Cave-Woman Reducing Diet Right Now – IB GS
If You’re Over Thirty This Is The Best Exercise You Can Do For Your Face, Your Body And Your Heart – II GS
I’ll Make You A Mental Wizard – 2pg Harry Loraine GS
I’ll Make You A Mental Wizard As Easily As This – ERI-3col GS
I’ll Make You A Wizard In One Evening – ERI 2col 2-17-1063 GS
Improve Your Child’s School Marks and Open the Door to the Wonders of Life – CPC J-104 GS
Information Machine – ALI NT1 GS
Introducing Super Hypnotism – IB 9466 GS
Is It Immoral To Make Money This Easily – ERI GS
Is it true This Amazing Psychic Perceptor brings you Wealth, Love and Power Beyond Belief – GS
Is It Worth $2 To You To Banish Ugly Cellulite Forever – IB GS
Is This The World’s Easiest Yoga – IB GS
Is This The World’s First Spot-Reducing Diet – II GS
Is This The World’s Most Powerful Healing Food – IB GS
Let me show you the secrets of White Witchcraft – IB KB GS
Let This Machine Work On Your MInd For One Evening – ERI GS
Look Years Younger, Pounds Lighter in ten short days – ERI GS
Miracle Fat-Burning Foods – GB 6139 GS
Miracle Fat-Burning Foods – IB GS
New inflatable Air Shorts provide pneumatic support plus massage to help you slenderize where you need it most –
No-Diet Reducing with New Wonder Drug for Fat People – GS
Now A Tranquilizer Pill Without A Doctor’s Prescription – NASC T-20 GS
Now A Tranquilizer Pill Without A Doctor’s Prescription Released To You For The First Time – NASC T-4 GS
Now Automatic Learning With The Information Machine – ALI PA-7 GS
Now Gertrude Enelow says Throw Away Your Pillow II GS
Now Gesell Institute Child Specialists Give You the Answers You Urgently Need – NCS GS
Now Run Your Car Without Spark Plugs – GS
Now The Miracle Gas-Saver That Europe Couldn’t Hide – ESI RB-5 GS
Now The Miracle Gas-Saver That Europe Couldn’t Hide – ESI RB-42 GS
Now The World’s Greatest Minds Force-Feed Their Knowledge Into Your Brain — Automatically – 1969 ALI GS
Now Turn Your Mind Into A Mental Magnet – ERI FW 7-2 GS
Now Turn Your Mind Into A Mental Magnet – ERI NYB-3 GS
Now, Stretch Your Way To A Beautiful Body in exactly Two utterly delicious minutes a day – II FW-26 GS
One Day With This Man Could Make You Rich-Joe-Cossman-TN II GS
Overcome Arthritis NCS GS
Overcomes the Body Chemical that keeps you fat Eugene Schwartz
Pain-Causing Poisons Literally Pour Out Of Your Body – IB GS
Pick Yourself a Fortune from the Money Trees – NCS FWB-7AB GS
Public Invited – No Cost FREE LECTURE How To Make Money – GS
Secrets of Eastern Super-Men Revealed To West At Last – II GS
Secrets of Old-Time Bird Lore & Modern Bird Psychology Attract & Hand Tame Wild Birds = NCS GS
Send Us 10 cents and We’ll Show You How To Cast Your Own Professional Horoscope – UBC GS
Sexual Fulfillment After 40 – II 1965 GS
She Sells Youth – II FW GS
She Sell Youth – II PA-29 GS
She Sells Youth – II GS
Spray Job Finish 648 Sq Inches in 3.5 Seconds
Sweden’s Miracle Formula That Makes Skin Look Young Again – GS
Take Food, Not Medicine, If You Suffer From Any One Of These – GS
The British Miracle That Creates Super Plants – GS
The Complete Book of Sewing NCS FW 4-27 GS
The Information Machine – ALI NY-5 GS
The Seven deadliest crimes against yourself – Are you guilty of any of them – FS GS
The Seven Deadliest Crimes Against Yourself, Are you guilty of any of them – JN GS
The Springtime of A Man’s Life Should Begin at 55 – II GS
The Springtime of A Woman’s Life Should Begin At 55 – II GS
These Simple Tricks Will Show You How To Turn Yourself Into A Learning Machine – ERI PA-11 GS
This book could remove your fear of death forever – II NYB-14 GS
This book prevents backaches causes by plowing, hoeing, weeding cultivating and spraying – Rodale GS
This Woman Is Slimming Her Waistline By Blowing Out the Candles On An Imaginary Cake – II GS
To the Man Who Will Settle for Nothing Less than the Presidency of His Firm – GS
Turns up your Digestive Furnace and burns flab right off your body – II GS
Turns up your Digestive Furnace and burns flab right off your body – II PA-2 GS
Use Your Newspaper to Boost Your Child’s Grades – GS
Wake Up Sleeping Glands – IB GS
Want To Bowl More Strikes – NCS FW 6-1 GS
Weird New Sonic Lure Caught Fish Like Crazy – SL PA6-2 GS
Why Haven’t People In Debt Been Told These Facts – NCS GS
Why Haven’t TV Owners Been Told These Facts – BS-4col GS
Why Haven’t TV Owners Been Told These Facts – BS-5col GS
Why Haven’t You and Your Family Been Told These Facts – NCS GS
Why Models Stay Young Till Sixty – IB 6700 GS
Why Models Stay Young Till Sixty – IB-small GS
Will This Be The Most Explosive Turn-Around In The History Of The Stock Market – II GS
Work All you Want And be a Better Wife and Mother because of it – II GS
World’s Easiest Yoga – IB 6844 GS
World’s Easiest Yoga – II FW-28 GS
World’s Easiest Yoga – II PHM-5 GS
World’s First Effortless Exerciser – II GS
World’s First Spot Reducing Diet – II FW-5 GS
World’s First Spot Reducing Diet – II PA-11 GS
You Are Twice As Smart As You Think – ERI 3col NYM GS
You Are Twice As Smart As You Think – ERI 4col FW-11 GS
You Can Get Almost Immediate Relief from Aches and Pains All Over the Body – IB 12491 GS
You Can Lose 20-40-60-80 Even 100 Pounds and Never Gain an Ounce of it Back – II FW7-13 GS
You Can Lose 20-40-60-80 Even 100 Pounds and Never Gain an Ounce of it Back – II GS
You Can Lose 20-40-60-80 Even 100 Pounds and Never Gain an Ounce of it Back – II PA-39 GS
You can make your face look as though time was running backwards – IB GS
You Can Manage Almost All But The Most Grievous Illnesses Entirely By Yourself – IB GS
You May Suffer From This SECRET SICKNESS That Makes Millions Of People Weak And Weary All Their Lives – IB 2929 GS
You May Suffer From This SECRET SICKNESS That Makes Millions Of People Weak And Weary All Their Lives – II GS
You Should retire, not at 65 but at 90 With The Vision Of One Hundred Healthy Happy Years
You Will Lose Up To 100 Pounds Per Year and Never Gain an Ounce of it Back – II PA-21 GS
Your Body Is Twice As Young As You Think – ERI GS
Your Eyes Can Heal Themselves- IB GS
Your Nernes Can Cure Themselves – IB 7757 GS
Your Nerves Can Cure Themselves – IB GS
Zoysia Grass Is A Good Investment Plug It In Save Time & Money – GB 536 GS
37 Ingenious Spare Time Businesses That Require almost no investment – II GS
100,000 Miles Without A Single Major Repair – GS
A Chiropractor’s Treasury of HEALTH SECRETS – IB GS
Notice that there are some ads that have the same headlines. They are included for a specific reason.

Although they are selling the same product, they differ in either copy and/or layout/visuals.

The reason for including these variations is because it is very instructive to see the changes.

You will get to see, in the case of fitting the promotion into a smaller space, what Gene felt was the most important parts of his message.

Notice that at the end of each headline is a special designation I’ve added. These designations show an abbreviation for the company selling the product, the response code that shows which insertion the ad is placed, and a “GS” that indicates copy was attributed to Gene Schwartz (aka Eugene M. Schwartz).

Sometimes I include the date of publication but mostly not.

This collection has taken years to put together…
and even after it was assembled I spent weeks going over each and every one of them, using expensive software to straighten them, improve their readability as much as possible, and remove ink splashes/other imperfections. In some cases, due to poor digitizing, I had to even reconstruct some parts of the ads.

It has been a long and involved project but the result is worth it.

This Is The Clearest, Most Complete Collection Of Gene’s Works That Has Ever Been Assembled
But it’s not just a collection. It’s the best starting point for advancing your copywriting skills. And…

Here’s What Makes This Collection Better Than Any Other:

Each file is labeled with it’s headline, so you can easily locate whichever ad you’re looking for
You get them in JPG format, so you can easily view them and page through them. No more opening an endless number of PDFs to discover the one you’re looking for…or paging through a big PDF to try to find it.
Each ad has been improved for readability – skews have been corrected, blurry copy/images have been sharpened, ink blotches/spots from either the printing or digitizing process have been corrected…and in some cases badly reproduced sections have been reconstructed as close as possible to the original.
Take this collection and use it with the method in my new special report, “How To Turn Your Swipe File Into A Gold Mine – The Copywriter’s Secret Weapon” and…

Watch Your Copywriting Skills,
Results, and Fees Just Skyrocket
Now you can learn directly from the direct marketing legend Gene Schwartz.

His ads were big winners. And NOW you can have not just the headlines but the actual ads to study, complete with all the copy that Gene wrote that followed these headlines.

You can read and study these winners and many others.

It’s all right here in this NEW Eugene Schwartz Package.

Gene had a client list that read like the “Who’s Who” of direct marketing –

Joseph E. Cossman,
Harry Lorayne,
Bill Bartman,
and dozens more.



204 of Eugene Schwartz’s Ads (JPG image files)
List-of-Headlines-for-All-204-Eugene-Schwartz-Ads (PDF)
Eugene Schwartz LIVE! at Rodale Press (Mp4 Video)
Eugene Schwartz LIVE! at Rodale Press (Mp3 Audio)
Gene Schwartz on Breakthrough Copy at Phillips Publishing
I Write With My Ears by Gene Schwartz Special Report
127 Winning Headlines (eBook) By Eugene M. Schwartz and Lawrence Bernstein
Burn Disease Out Of Your Body Mailing Package
Read 300 Business Magazines in 30 Minutes Sales Letter
Bill Kaysing’s Freedom Encyclopedia Mailing Package
How To Turn Your Swipe File Into A Gold Mine – The Copywriter’s Secret Weapon by Carl Galletti



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You can find more details about the package according to the sales page.


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