Unlimited Income By Neil McCoy-Ward – Free Download The NMW ‘Rapid Cashflow Blueprint’

Unlimited Income - The NMW 'Rapid Cashflow Blueprint' By Neil McCoy-Ward - Free Download Course


Unlimited Income – The NMW ‘Rapid Cashflow Blueprint’ By Neil McCoy-Ward – Free Download Course


How To Turn Your Ideas, Knowledge Or Passion Into Huge, Lifelong PROFIT!



✅ About This Course:


✅ Course Author: Neil McCoy-Ward

✅ Official Course Price: $199

✅ Free For Our VIP Members? : Yes

✅ Download Links : Mega & Google Drive

✅ Updatable? : Yes, all future updates included.

✅ Sales Page : You can check at the bottom of this page.



🏆 Here’s What You Get & Learn With This Course:


Entrepreneur Flow System
This will unlock your creative flow & give you unlimited potential as an entrepreneur

Rapid Cashflow Blueprint
This shows you how to create the perfect cashflowing idea… (this model has been taught to £/€/$100 Million+ business owners)

The Full Process from Starting your idea right through to Exit & Sale

3 Parts, 1 Program

A Unique Process Based On How The Brain Works

A Perfect System For Testing Your Ideas

What’s Inside The Program?

130 Full Length Video Training Sessions:
(Over 18 Hours of Content!)

Available for Immediate Online Streaming!
(Any Device, Anywhere)

24/7 Lifetime Access Via Private Membership Site
(No subscription Necessary)



Course Curriculum:


Module 1 – Introduction
1.1. Why You Need A New Plan…

1.2. From Past To Present To Future

1.3. The POWER Of These Models

1.4. Your New Life Of HUGE Success Is Waiting

Module 2 – Laying The Foundation
2.1. How Much Money Do You Desire? (Your Winning Formula)

2.2. Designing Your IDEAL Life

2.3. How Close Or Far Away Are You From Your Dream?

2.4. The 5 Risk Levels – Level 1

2.5. The 5 Risk Levels – Levels 2-4

2.6. The 5 Risk Levels – Level 5 & Assessment

Module 3 – The History Of Labour Exchange
3.1. Psychological Mindgames Used On Us

3.2. Don’t Walk The Gravel Path (Unless You CHOOSE To)

3.3. Work In Ancient Human Societies

3.4. Work In The Medieval Period

3.5. How Electricity Changed EVERYTHING

3.6. How Does Work Today Compare To The Past

3.7. Pre-Industrial & Post-Industrial Technologies (& Their Impacts)

3.8. Where We Work Is A Personal Choice

3.9. We Work Longer Hours Today Than In The Past

3.10. Why People CHOSE To Move From Homesteads To Slums

Module 4 – Employees Vs Self Employed Vs Entrepreneurs
4.1. Employee, Self Employed & Entrepreneurs (REASONS & Roadblocks)

4.2. How Regulations Can MAKE Or BREAK Your Business

4.3. Why You MUST Get Away From Places With Bad POLITICAL Ideology

4.4. The Causes Of Higher Or Lower Levels Of Employees By Geography

4.5. Why Don’t More People Become Entrepreneurs?

4.6. The Informal Economy – Location, Taxation & Regulations

4.7. The GLOBAL Distribution Of Wealth

4.8. Most Of The World-s Wealth Is Owned By The Top 10- In The USA!

4.9. Most Of US Wealth Is Held By The Baby Boomers (For Now…)

4.10. Median Household Income & Self Employed Statistics

4.11. Most Westerners Live Beyond Their Means To Impress Others (DANGEROUS)

4.12. The West Is Broke, People Just Haven-t Figured It Out Yet…

4.13. It’s All An ILLUSION (FAILURE By Compliance)

4.14. The PENSION Programs Will Collapse & Employees Are LESS Happy

4.15. Turn These Disadvantages Into Your Advantages!

Module 5 – Why It’s So HARD To Get Ahead Without This Program (The Evidence)
5.1. How Many Years Do You Have Left?

5.2. You Don’t Have Enough Time!!!

5.3. This Is Why You Can’t Get Ahead (It’s Rigged)

5.4. Living Standards Don’t Change (It’s A BIG LIE)

5.5. Minimum Wage To Highest Earner – It Makes No Difference…

5.6. It’s A Closed Loop System, You HAVE To Escape NOW!

Module 6 – The Next Wave – The Impact of AI & AGI
6.1. You Can’t Compete With AI For Jobs (FOOLISH)

6.2. The Fallacy Of Upskilling Everyone

6.3. Companies Don’t Care About YOU, They Care About PROFIT

6.4. AI Has Taken MILLIONS Of Jobs Already

6.5. This Robot Gave Me A Glimpse Of Our Future

6.6. These 5 Jobs Are Disappearing FAST!

6.7. AGI Is COMING!!!

6.8. AGI WILL Take Most Jobs (5 Years After Development)

6.9. The Next Jobs To GO & Sci-Fi Becomes A Reality

6.10. Humans Will Enter A Collaboration Phase With AI

6.11. AI Will Not Be Able To Replace These Jobs Anytime Soon

6.12. Maslow’s Hierachy Of Needs

Module 7 – The ‘NMW Entrepreneur Flow System’ ™ (Part 1)
7.1. Step 1 – An Introduction To POWERFUL Decision Making

7.2. Step 1 – The Challenge With Making EFFECTIVE Decisions

7.3. Step 1 – What Hernán Cortés Did In 1519

7.4. Step 1 – Identify The Decision

7.5. Step 1 – Mitigate, Evaluate & Take ACTION

7.6. Step 1 – You Can’t Stop TIME – You Must Embrace The CHANGE

7.7. Step 1 – The 5 Important Questions You Must ASK Yourself

7.8. Step 2 – Self Study & Re-Investment Is CRUCIAL!

7.9. Step 2 – Your Skills Gap Is Like A Jigsaw Puzzle

7.10. Step 2 – The More You LEARN, The More You EARN (& The Power Of Networking)

7.11. Step 2 – Personal Brand POWER & Your Funnel

7.12. Step 2 – Effective Communication & Experience Beats THEORY

7.13. Step 2 – Tools, Tech & Financial Literacy

7.14. Step 2 – The IDEAS Must Flow (& Be TESTED!)

7.15. Step 2 – The Best ROI Is In Yourself

7.16. Step 2 – Better Health, Less Stress & Minimal Sick Days

7.17. Step 2 – From RAGS To RICHES (The Worlds Richest Man)

7.18. Step 2 – How He Did It (Andrew Carnegie Story)

Module 8 – The ‘NMW Entrepreneur Flow System’ ™ (Part 2)
8.1. In Order To , You Must First STOP!

8.2. Overcoming FEAR & The Steps For SUCCESS

8.3. The 10 Steps To Overcoming Your FEAR Barriers

8.4. The Inspirational Story of JK Rowling

8.5. Why Good Health Is Crucial

8.6. Why You Need To Get BALANCE

8.7. You Are Much GREATER Than You WILL Ever Know

8.8. Be Honest With Yourself & Your Time Spent Working

8.9. Are You Being CONGRUENT?

8.10. How To Be More PRODUCTIVE! (Work Tracker & Learning Triad)

8.11. You Have To Decide Whether To Be The Architect Or The Leader

8.12. The ‘Unbelievable’ Sam Walton Story (Part 1)

8.13. The ‘Unbelievable’ Sam Walton Story (Part 2)

8.14. The ‘Unbelievable’ Sam Walton Story (Part 3) & Module SUMMARY

Module 9 – The ‘NMW Rapid Cashflow Blueprint’ ™ (Step 1 – Requirement)
9.1. An Introduction To The Rapid Cashflow Blueprint

9.2. The SUCCESS Formula

9.3. Is There A Requirement For Your Product or Service?

9.4. There’s Only 1 Question You Need To Answer For Ultimate SUCCESS!

9.5. Why You MUST Focus On Solving Problems

9.6. You Must Come To LOVE Solving Problems

9.7. Amazon Is The Expert At This

9.8. Make Things As Easy As Possible! (Like Amazon Prime Does)

Module 10 – The ‘NMW Rapid Cashflow Blueprint’ ™ (Step 2 & 3 – Scale & Leverage)
10.1. An Introduction to Scale

10.2. You Can’t Charge $1,000 For 1 Ice Cream

10.3. If You COMBINE Both Scale & Digital – You’ll Be Unstoppable

10.4. It’s No One Else’s Business How Much Money You Make!

10.5. The Reality Of Working Your Own Hours

10.6. Step 3 – Why You MUST Leverage Your Time From The Business

10.7. Don’t Let Leverage Dictate Your Life!

10.8. How To Effectively Use Leverage

Module 11 – The ‘NMW Rapid Cashflow Blueprint’ ™ (Step 4 & 5 – Control & Implement))
11.1. Step 4 – Understanding CONTROL

11.2. You Need To Be The Chain, Not The Link (& A Lesson On Breaking This Rule)

11.3. All Businesses Carry RISK, It’s Unavoidable, But Can Be Reduced!

11.4. This Is How Fast You Can Lose Your Income If You Are Not In CONTROL

11.5. I Had To Learn This The HARD WAY (1 Year Of Work LOST)

11.6. Step 5 – Implement & The Risk Of ‘EASE’

11.7. If It’s Really EASY To Get In, It’s Not Worth Doing…

11.8. Don’t Take The Path Of Least Resistance (It’s A TRAP!)

11.9. Eventually, Everything Will Come Together!

11.10. BONUS Point – Change (Step 6)

Module 12 – Wealth Building Businesses! (Perfect Examples)
12.1. Introduction & How Trello Created The Perfect Business Model

12.2. Case Study: Mark – Digital User Manuals

12.3. How To Use The Ideas Flow Chart

12.4. An Example Of A BAD Business Idea!

12.5. How To Spot (& AVOID) A PONZI Scheme Business

12.6. I Had High Income, But Low FREEDOM

12.7. How I Made Money With A Property ‘PHYSICAL’ Business

12.8. You Can Still Clear Over a MILLION A Year With A PHYSICAL Business

12.9. PERFECT Examples Of A Cashflow BluePrint Business (STRIPE & ZOOM)

12.10. PERFECT Examples Of A Cashflow BluePrint Business (DOORDASH)

12.11. PERFECT Examples Of A Cashflow BluePrint Business (AIRBNB)

12.12. PERFECT Examples Of A Cashflow BluePrint Business (UIPATH)

12.13. What ALL These SUCESSFUL Busineses Have In Common

12.14. I’m Always Coming Up With GREAT Ideas, (Here’s How)

12.15. Another Idea & 2 Teenagers That Make 6 Figures A Month From Home

Module 13 – Business Models You Need For Success
13.1. An Introduction To ‘Relevant’ Business Models & The SWOT Analysis

13.2. Analysis – Strengths & Weaknesses of STRIPE

13.3. Analysis – Opportunities & Threats of STRIPE

13.4. Analysis – Strengths & Weaknesses of ZOOM

13.5. Analysis – Opportunities & Threats of ZOOM

13.6. Analysis – Strengths & Weaknesses of DOORDASH

13.7. Analysis – Opportunities & Threats of DOORDASH

13.8. The POWER Of The Business Model Canvass (Q1-3)

13.9. The POWER Of The Business Model Canvass (Q4-5)

13.10. The POWER Of The Business Model Canvass (Q6-9)

13.11. EXAMPLE – The Business Model Canvass (STRIPE)

13.12. Pricing Models (FREEMIUM)

13.13. Pricing Models (SUBSCRIPTION & ECOMMERCE)

13.14. Pricing Models (MARKETPLACE & ON DEMAND)

13.15. The GREATEST Business Model Of ALL TIME

13.16. Putting It Into Practise & The 5S Model

13.17. The Toyota Story Encompasses This Power Lesson

13.18. The Results Speak For Themselves

Module 14 – UnPerfect Businesses That Can Still Give You Incredible Financial Freedom!
14.1. Don’t Overlook PHYSICAL Products!

14.2. $225M From Selling Socks…

14.3. $165M Potty & Viral Marketing

14.4. $125M In Sweaters & $160M ‘Balance Board’ Sales

14.5. $100M Flowers Delivery & (RING – $1BILLION SALE!!!)

14.6. $150M For A Blanket & $50M In Lobsters

14.7. $14.5M Sale (Exit) & How To Keep 100- Of Your MONEY!

14.8. $100s Millions In Random Products!

14.9. You Don’t Need To Be A Genius!

14.10. How NEW Money People Are Getting RICH TODAY!

14.11. Put Your Focus Where You Have Experience

14.12. Digital Businesses That Are EASY To (Part 1)

14.13. Digital Businesses That Are EASY To (Part 2)

14.14. You Have More VALUE Than You Realise (Productise Your Knowledge)

14.15. What I Would Do If I Weren’t Doing What I Do Now

14.16. Why I Have Multiple Streams Of Income…

14.17. There Are So Many Ways To Make Money Online (From Anywhere In The World)

Module 15 – Entry Through To Exit
*Module Handouts* (Please PRINT)

15.1. Introduction & The Millionaire Next Door Principles

15.2. Do You Really Need To Live Below Your Means???

15.3. Allocating Time, Money & Energy Efficiently

15.4. Should You Showcase Wealth Outwardly?

15.5. Targeting Market Opportunities

15.6 ( – 1 of 6)

15.7 ( – 2 of 6)

15.8 ( – 3 of 6)

15.9. ( – 4 of 6)

15.10. ( – 5 of 6)

15.11. ( – 6 of 6)

15.12. (BUILD 1 of 6)

15.13. (BUILD 2 of 6)

15.14. (BUILD 3 of 6)

15.15. (BUILD 4 of 6)

15.16. (BUILD 5 of 6)

15.17. BUILD 6 of 6)

15.18. (GROW 1 of 5)

15.19. (GROW 2 of 5)

15.20. (GROW 3 of 5)

15.21. (GROW 4 of 5)

15.22. (GROW 5 of 5)

15.23. (EXIT 1 of 5)

15.24. (EXIT 2 of 5)

15.25. (EXIT 3 of 5)

15.26. (EXIT 4 of 5)

15.27. (EXIT 5 of 5)

Module 16 – (BONUS!) – The Biggest Opportunity of our Lifetime Is Coming!
16.1. People Have Absolutely NO IDEA What’s Coming!

16.2. The Industrial Revolution (SUCCESS Stories)

16.3. The Great Depression (SUCCESS Stories)

16.4. The DOT Com BUST (SUCCESS Stories)

16.5. Learning From The Last Tech Boom

16.6. How You Can Make A FORTUNE!

16.7. While Others Are FEARFUL, You Should EMBRACE The Change

Module 17 – Conclusion
17.1. Introduction To The Concluding Module

17.2. Putting In The Work & THINKING

17.3. Build Your STREAMS!

17.4. Don’t Work Your Entire Life (Just To Pay Taxes)

17.5. The System Is An ILLUSION

17.6. On A SOLID Foundation

17.7. The Windmill Story

17.8. The Window Cleaning Story

17.9. There Is No Competition (Only Improvements)

17.10. You Are UNLIMITED In Your Abilities!!!



🎁 Value Added Bonus Included!

Bonus Module #1:

Powerful Life Changing Videos on the Next HUGE Opportunity Coming! & How You Can Use This To Increase Your Income Even Faster!



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